This year I discovered a new vehicle: a bicycle. A road bike to be precise. After years of reluctance I finally pulled the trigger and purchased a road bike. I have to say it’s literally the best way to get around. Living in Vegas means less cars, less assholes and plenty of road to roam
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I do such a terrible job updating this blog. I enjoy writing. Every year around this time I get a burst of inspiration that usually dissipates around late March. Then I get bogged down in work and balancing said work with life and then it all crumbles until I stare at his blog and laugh.
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Winter is a great time to take photographs if you prepare, can stand the elements and know how to take your gloves on and off over and over and over again. I’ve learned a lot of things over the years and have almost lost some appendages (fingers primarily) due to unpreparedness. With great risk, comes
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It’s sunset season and that means if you can ditch your day job early enough and gawk at the sky you’ll (more often than not) see beautiful sunsets. Why does winter have the best sunsets? Sounds counter-intuitive right? The skies are usually cloudier and the sun (at least theoretically) seems less intense. Low humidity +
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Fall Photography There’s something about the transience of Fall that lends itself to captivating photographic opportunities. Fall photography is preferred because it’s where all nature’s magic is hidden. Winter’s chill deters a lot of people from picking up their cameras. The layering, the preparation and the uncertainty of the season is why many people use
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Wondering what set of cameras to buy in 2022? If you are ready to take the plunge and buy a new camera this year, you will quickly find there is no shortage of different camera options out there. It may see complicated to filter through all of the different cameras out there to find the
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Planning for a trip is difficult. Planning a photography trip is downright brutal. I’ve put together this guide to help aspiring and seasoned photographers save time on packing. Through years of failed attempts, countless overweight bags, dozens of broken zippers and torn cases I’ve learned a lot! Rather than rambling on I’ll let the graphic
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NFT Guide for Photographers There are so many photographers today who are talking about NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens. So I decided to make an NFT Guide for Photographers. As NFTs grow in popularity, they are looking to completely reshape the digital photography world—and artists need to be able to keep up. While many people in
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This summer I am getting back into planning hiking trips & backpacking adventures and admittedly I forgot a lot of the tips and tricks that made it so easy for me to get into the outdoors in years past. So I decided to do what I always do when my brain is scattered: I made
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These past few months have been a blur. I’ve been spending an abundance of my time staying active in the outdoors snowboarding, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, biking, playing basketball and going for a stroll whenever I can. These activities have lightened the mood, refocused my energy on physical and mental health and have made
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