photography trip

How to Plan For a Photography Trip

Planning for a trip is difficult. Planning a photography trip is downright brutal. I’ve put together this guide to help aspiring and seasoned photographers save time on packing. Through years of failed attempts, countless overweight bags, dozens of broken zippers and torn cases I’ve learned a lot! Rather than rambling on I’ll let the graphic
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Hiking Trip

How to Plan for a Hiking Trip

This summer I am getting back into planning hiking trips & backpacking adventures and admittedly I forgot a lot of the tips and tricks that made it so easy for me to get into the outdoors in years past. So I decided to do what I always do when my brain is scattered: I made
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irrational exuberance

2021 The Year of Irrational Exuberance

The Year of Irrational Exuberance! You know the times they are a changing when Instagram models, idiots you knew from high school and shoe shine boys start doling out investing advice. I’ve been lucky in many ways. I’m no Rhodes Scholar, I’m not a member of Mensa nor am I so full of myself that
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twitter outrage

Twitter Outrage & the Death Of Expertise

Everyday I log onto Twitter and decide what Twitter outrage will consume my mind for the next 24 hours. In a world where everyone has a voice and some voices are more important than others (based purely on the number of people who follow you) there’s bound to be issues. Last week Wall Street learned
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January 2021 Book Review

I am going to try something new. January 2021 Book Review coming through… This year I’ve been consuming books at a staggering pace which I am sure I won’t be able to maintain. I’ve read books about cryptocurrency, income inequality, mass movements and minimalism. I’ve taken it easy on fiction which of course means I
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pink and white

The Year 2021: Pink and White

This month has been pretty slow, enjoyably so! Pink and White the colors that flow. If not for my drone and camera I don’t think I would have left my house at all. I’ve been clicking away since the holiday. Also, I just realized the last two sentences rhymed. I didn’t do that deliberately, I’m
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best books of 2020

Best Books of 2020 (According to Me)

Due to the pandemic many of us found ourselves reading much more than we have in years past.  Below I’ll highlight what I thought were the best books of 2020 . In a typical year I tend to read 25-30 books but it in 2020 I doubled my book intake and read a whopping 60
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